Convene System Stakeholders

The juvenile justice court judge should regularly convene system stakeholders and the community to promote mutual respect and understanding within the juvenile justice court system, and to work together to improve the system. The juvenile justice court judge and court administrator should engage the state chief justice and state court administrator in system collaboration.

In addition to state and local judiciary, juvenile justice court stakeholders include state court administrators, law enforcement officers, detention and juvenile justice court intake staff, prosecutors, public defenders and the defense bar, probation officers, detention workers, substance abuse and mental health treatment providers, education administrators and teachers, workforce development professionals, child welfare workers, representatives of community agencies, crime victims, crime victim advocates, victim service providers, legislators, and members of the community at large. If a state uses a judicial assignment system, it is important that both the judge who is responsible for assignments and the judges assigned to juvenile justice court are involved in juvenile justice court judicial leadership and system collaboration.

Juvenile justice court judges should regularly appear in their communities for the purpose of promoting better understanding and support. They should inform community members of the juvenile justice court’s goals and the issues associated with youth, families, and crime victims in the juvenile justice court system. Judges should encourage the development of effective evidence-based programs and practices to assist children and families within the juvenile justice court. Juvenile justice court judges should be willing to be engaged by system participants and community members to discuss juvenile justice court issues and the work of others on behalf of children and families.

State leaders should consider creating juvenile justice commissions, and juvenile court judges should consider creating statewide juvenile court judges organizations for the purpose of providing leadership and influence at the state level.

Supreme court chief justices and state court administrators should be involved in juvenile justice court leadership and support efforts, and should empower judges at the local level to engage in leadership and collaboration activities.

Convene System Stakeholders

Lead in System Improvement

Build System Collaboration